When the iconic Times Square Ball drops in Manhattan come midnight, it will descend before an unusually small live audience.
When the iconic Times Square Ball drops in Manhattan come midnight, it will descend before an unusually small live audience.
ABD'de yeni tip koronavirüs (Kovid-19) salgını nedeniyle hayatını kaybedenlerin sayısı son 24 saatte 1083 artarak 263 bin 812'ye yükseldi.
Levina Cava has some plans for COVID19.
The disease caused by the novel coronavirus has killed at least 186,000 people in the United States since February.
ABD petrol endüstrisinde 200'den fazla şirket iflas etti.
Servetleri artmaya devam ediyor.
Several schools still hope to hold official, in-person ceremonies later this summer or even December.
Jobs in Georgia were down by 492,100 over the month, the lowest number of jobs on record in six years.
Rental giant Hertz files for bankruptcy; US nears 100,000 deaths; Pat Ewing has the virus.
Brandi Locklair, left, of the Rustic Rose in Brownwood Paddock Square, hands Rosemary Lynch, of the Village of La Belle, a painting she purchased during a shopping trip Thursday.