Public health officials reported another 74 deaths and 5,657 new coronavirus cases on Saturday as the estimated number of active cases in Massachusetts nears 100.000.
Public health officials reported another 74 deaths and 5,657 new coronavirus cases on Saturday as the estimated number of active cases in Massachusetts nears 100.000.
Dünya Sağlık Örgütü'nden önemli açıklama geldi.
Önemli karar.
Former U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund stepped down from his post on Friday, days earlier than he said would following a deadly breach of the Capitol complex by a mob supporting President Trump.
Joe Biden faces historic challenges when he enters the White House on Jan. 20: a raging pandemic, persistently high unemployment, simmering tensions with China and Russia -- and a predecessor who won’t go away.
When the iconic Times Square Ball drops in Manhattan come midnight, it will descend before an unusually small live audience.
МИД России пригрозил ответными мерами на санкции Великобритании
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ABD'de yeni tip koronavirüs (Kovid-19) salgını nedeniyle hayatını kaybedenlerin sayısı son 24 saatte 1083 artarak 263 bin 812'ye yükseldi.
Alanya kazandırmaya devam ediyor.