A Missouri Department of Corrections employee has tested positive for the new coronavirus.
A Missouri Department of Corrections employee has tested positive for the new coronavirus.
Millions of public school students will suffer from school closures.
Almanya Cumhurbaşkanı Frank-Walter Steinmeier, korona krizi döneminde sergiledikleri disiplin ve çaba için vatandaşlara teşekkür etti.
Фотографии из Москвы.
Estonia is to allocate 100,000 euros for the prevention of the spread of the novel coronavirus and mitigation of the consequences of the virus in the world's poorest countries.
PM Modi talked.
Die gelbe Kurve (Infizierte) geht zurück – was gut ist! Die blaue Kurve (Geheilte) geht hoch – was auch gut ist!
Vuhan'da 76 gün süren karantina sona erdi!
Nå vil 75 lokalaviser og Nettavisen sende Birkebeinerrennet, Birkebeinerrittet og Birkebeinerløpet på direkten!
Eine gesunde Blase kann zwischen 0,3 und 0,5 Litern Flüssigkeit halten. Bei ausreichender Trinkmenge dürfte das durchschnittlich acht Toilettengängen am Tag entsprechen, und noch einem im Laufe der Nacht.